About Magnified Healing

white lotus in pond

In this time of important earth and cosmic energy shifts, mankind now has an opportunity to enter into a creation consciousness. And as Planet Earth is approaching its mutation into a body of Light, so too humanity needs to begin its mutation into higher vibratory dimensions. In order to accomplish our ascent into Oneness, we need to heal ourselves at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, etheric, spiritual.

An ancient healing modality was introduced to earth in 1983. In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin, Magnified Healing® of the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of Humanity and the Earth.

Magnified Healing® establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing forth from the Source, laying the very foundation for the Ascension process.

“Many forms of healing are “healer focused” meaning that the seeker must go to a physician, priest, temple, shaman or another place to receive healing”.* In most vibrational healing methods, the healing is channeled and directed through the healer. In Magnified Healing®, the practitioner creates the energy with GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE and becomes Magnified Healing. It is total empowerment.

*Excerpt from “Magnified Healing… A New (Ancient) Perspective” by Jan Bennett

At the present time, there are over 144,000 Initiates of this powerful and universal method in 95 countries and all 50 states in the U.S. The teaching manuals for all phases are available in several languages.

The Magnified Healing® workshops are presented in four levels as follows:

Kwan Yin
The Magnified Healing 1st Phase

The 1st Phase workshop (Phase 1)

This is a two or two 1/2-day workshop (minimum 18 hours). Magnified Healing® evolves continuously and there is much information, explanations, and directions to impart to the students.

Students who are taking the workshop in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Chinese and German will receive a manual + certificate + an MP3. For all the other languages the kit is manual + certificate.

The official Magnified Healing teaching manual is given to the students at the beginning of the workshop. At the end of the second day, they will receive the Initiation, the official Magnified Healing® certificate prepared by the teacher, and a MP3.

Prerequisites to attend and teach the 1st Phase workshop: https://magnifiedhealing.com/phase-1/ 

Beginning 2022 we will offer the 1st Phase Workshop Online. For more information visit https://magnifiedhealing.com/online-workshop/ 

The Celebration workshop (Phase 2)

This is a one or two-consecutive days workshop. It is a two-part workshop available to all Magnified Healing® Practitioners.  It consists of the theory workshop (5-6 hours of teaching) and a Ceremony (2-4 hours depending on the number of guests) and is facilitated by the Workshop Graduates.  Each Celebration Graduate will then be able to direct the Celebration, teach the Celebration and incorporate all phases into their own private healing sessions. It is a sacred healing ceremony that Lady Master Kwan Yin brought to the earth in order to accelerate the healing of humanity and the earth and give us the awareness of our divine plan. It is our gift to the community.

The two-part Celebration workshop is a complete participatory process for all who attend and for the full value of the experience and certification, students are expected to attend both the workshop and the Ceremony. The kit for each student is the manual and the certificate.

You will receive the Official Celebration manual at the beginning of the workshop and the certificate prepared by the teacher is given at the end of the Ceremony.

Prerequisites to attend and teach the Celebration workshop: https://magnifiedhealing.com/phase-2/

The 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’ Practitioner workshop (Phase 3) is a full two or three-day workshop (consecutive days, 18 hours of teaching, not including meals and breaks). This is a more advanced healing system given to us by Lord Archangel Melchizedek where all the energies of the 1st Phase of Magnified Healing are expanded, intensified, and elevated to a higher vibrational frequency, to the cosmic level.

This workshop comes with a manual and certificate as a Practitioner. You are able to use the technique for yourself and others but you are not certified to teach it.

Prerequisites to attend the 3rd Phase Practitioner workshop: https://magnifiedhealing.com/phase-3/

The 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’ Master Teacher Training workshop (Phase 4) is a 4 or 5-day workshop (consecutive days), in which the practitioner receives a deeper understanding of teachings in order to be certified as Master Teacher of the 3rd Phase Practitioner workshop.

Prerequisites to attend the TT workshop: https://magnifiedhealing.com/phase-4/ 


For more information, please visit the Questions & Answers page of this website and also the NEWSROOM page for current news.

Also, please visit the Online Store page to view the official teaching material that you should receive at your workshop. Do not accept any substitute.