Our beloved Gisele King has made her transition into the Light
Beloved Magnified Healing® Family,
We would like to inform you that Rev. Gisèle King made her transition into the Light early Monday morning, February 7, 2022. Our hearts are hurting because we will miss her physical presence among us dearly, but at the same time we are celebrating her Ascension. We know that, together with Kathryn Anderson, she will be supporting us in the Higher Kingdoms of Light.
She made her transition in her sleep, in peace, having by her side our beloved Kwan Yin, the Masters of Light, Angels and Archangels. She is now in the Kingdom of Heavens, which she spoke of constantly with such enthusiasm, faith and in iridescent vibration.
Gisèle and Kathryn accepted to be in service so we could receive this magnificent gift directly from the heart of the God Most High of the Universe, which is Magnified Healing®, to help us in the Ascension and co-creation of paradise on earth. Through this path, she has now experienced her own Ascension.
In every moment, in class or in private conversations, Gisèle presented Magnified Healing® as a much needed path at this planetary moment ,and asked us to keep sharing and living Magnified Healing® in its purity and integrity.
We will forever honor this Gift and this wonderful path which touched so many people in many places around the world.
Gisèle brought her Light to all people wherever she went, being the Living Divine energy and an example of a Light Being in our planet.
To Rev. Gisèle King and Kathryn Anderson our eternal gratitude.
The following is a statement from Matthew King, Gisèle’s son:
I would like to thank the entire Magnified Healing community for all the support that you have shown my mom, not just during her recent illness but since her early beginnings when starting this with Kathryn Anderson. I am grateful to all of those that reached out to her recently to offer words of encouragement, prayers and love. She truly thought of all of you as her family. This past week Gisele was never without her family by her side and as mentioned above she passed peacefully in her sleep. I know that those that have been touched by Gisele will continue to show her love in this new phase.
I also want to assure the Magnified Healing family that this great community will continue in the capable hands of Valeria Pereira, her long-time assistant. Over the next few weeks and months I ask for everybody’s patience and understanding while this transition is taking place.
We are having a celebration of Gisèle’s life. Gisele King Memorial will be in Davie, FL, on Saturday, March 12. Please join us as we remember our beloved Gisèle King. The event will start at 2pm, with eulogy and sharing of memories starting at 3pm ( Florida time zone). We kindly invite Magnified Healing Practitioners and Teachers around the world join us in spirit to honor Gisèle. While we share our memories we hope that our Magnified Healing Family will use this time to pause and think of our beloved Gisèle King.