The Celebration Workshop
Experience the Divine energies of Magnified Healing® and learn the instructions and practice all phases of the Magnified Healing® process. Using our bodies to become the structure, a Temple or Grid of Healing is formed that remains in place, and also goes forth with each of us and is radiated to the whole earth.
The Magnified Healing® Celebration incorporates Breath, Sound, Color, and Motion, and each person is an intricate part of the co-creating process. The Light, Love, and Healing we create together becomes a never before experienced unit of ONENESS.
Prerequisites to Attend the Celebration Workshop and Ceremony (this workshop is to be taught in person only):
- To be a 1st Phase Practitioner. No waiting period between the two workshops.
- This is a 1 or 2-consecutive days workshop. It is a two-part workshop available to all Magnified Healing® Practitioners. It consists of the theory workshop (5-6 hours of teaching) and a Ceremony (2-4 hours depending on the number of guests) and is facilitated by the Workshop Graduates. It is a sacred Ceremony that Lady Master Kwan Yin brought to the earth in order to accelerate the healing of humanity and the earth and give us the awareness of our divine plan. Each Celebration Graduate will then be able to direct the Celebration, teach the Celebration and incorporate all phases into their own private healing sessions.
- The two-part Celebration workshop is a complete participatory process for all who attend and for the full value of the experience and certification, students are expected to attend both the workshop and the Ceremony. The kit for each student is the manual and the certificate.
- The Celebration Ceremony is opened to the general public, except for children under 14 years of age. Everyone is invited to experience the profound and sacred energy of Magnified Healing and receive a healing. It is our gift to the community.
Prerequisites to Teach the Celebration Workshop and Ceremony (this workshop is to be taught in person only):
- Have been certified as a Teacher/Director of the Magnified Healing® Celebration.
For more information please visit our NEWSROOM