“Uma noite, recebi o telefonema de minha filha (que mora nos EUA), dizendo que meu neto, na época com 1 ano de idade, caiu do berço e, no pronto socorro foi verificada uma fratura na clavícula. Minha filha pediu que lhe enviasse o tratamento que eu achasse adequado. Ela iria no dia seguinte ao pediatra e refazer os exames.
Enviei LH para ele, tratando especialmente seu sistema ósseo.
No dia seguinte, não existia mais sinal de fratura. Sua clavícula estava perfeita.
Trabalhando em grupo à distância, tratamos um adulto de meia idade que estava desenganado em função de um câncer no pulmão inoperável. Começamos a tratá-lo com LH, dando ênfase no sistema respiratório e corpos emocional/mental. Sua expectativa de vida ao iniciarmos as irradiações era de no máximo 2 meses.
O tumor do pulmão desapareceu e ele teve uma sobrevida de mais ou menos 1 ano e meio, praticamente sem dor. Veio a falecer devido a um tumor metastático no cérebro.
Durante todo o tempo em que esteve acompanhado por nós com LH, ele aceitou melhor os tratamentos, tornando-se mais espiritualizado.”
“Durante o workshop de Light Healing, no momento em que estava treinando a aplicação do procedimento, a colega que foi receber o tratamento disse sofrer com a coluna lombar a muitos anos, sem grandes melhoras. Ao término do tratamento, ela muito espantada e agradecida disse “estou curada!”.
Isto aconteceu no ano 2016 e até hoje não sente mais dores na coluna.
Trabalhando em grupo à distância, após alguns meses de tratamento com LH, uma moça de 39 anos, que sofria com um câncer no estômago/esôfago, se recuperou completamente. Durante seu tratamento quimioterápico apresentou sintomas leves em relação às drogas administradas, passando por todo esse processo apresentando basicamente o emagrecimento esperado. Após 1 ano, recebemos notícias de que ela está bem e recuperou seu peso normal.”
“Several months ago we received a healing request in our Magnified Healing group for a young woman, 27 years old, with metastatic cervical cancer. We started sending her distant healing. Every three weeks she gave us an update, she is always positive and feels the Energy. The doctors couldn’t treat her anymore. Her mother came to bring her to me and I gave her a Magnified Healing 1st Phase and Third Phase Light Healing. Soon afterward she decided to take the Magnified Healing 1st Phase workshop. This time her father drove her both days. She is so happy with Magnified Healing and getting many insights. A couple of weeks ago, a large group of Magnified Healing 1st Phase and Third Phase Light Healing Healers sent a group distant healing and did a transplant of her pelvis. This morning she wrote that is able to walk again a little in the woods. She is so grateful for Magnified Healing and Kwan Yin”. 2021
“I am so grateful to you for the wonderful gift of MH. I did a complete session on a friend on Saturday night and Sunday morning, and had fascinating results. There was extensive crying (and screaming) at various points. (The Kundalini energy was awakened) The energy on the hip resulted in crying and the ability to walk upstairs properly for the first time in 30 years! I was amazed by this gift and will treat it with the greatest honor and respect.”
(H.S., USA)
“We had a very beautiful and powerful workshop. There were only 5 students but they were totally integrated with MH, with the Energy, and with our loved Master Kwan Yin. Student TR “saw” during the Electromagnetic Grid’s meditation that many Masters waited for us and that we went with them to a ship above the grid, and up to the heart of God Most High of the Universe. She also “saw” that the Initiation was done by Master Jesus and Lord Melchizedek. Master Jesus stood in front of the person being initiated while Lord Melchizedek stood up behind the person giving support. In the end, Lord Melchizedek applied the MH essence on the 3rd Eye of the person being initiated. We are thankful to you for passing on this wonderful technique and for anchoring it for our planet Earth. We also thank Master Kwan Yin, and especially God Most High of the Universe, for the constant assistance given to all MH Master Teachers.”
“Dear Gisèle, thanks again for being such an angel in my life and for MH, which has accelerated my transformation tremendously”.
“I just want to say some words of unconditional love for you. I have been initiated as a 3rd Phase Master Teacher and I am a chief of police and a friend of M. F. I am very happy and every day I want to express my gratitude to you because you are very important to me and everybody else. You bring us a present – a healing technique, and Beloved Kwan Yin blessed you and us.”
“I would like to share a wonderful experience with you all. My 17-year-old cairn terrier dog had what may have been a stroke. Her entire right side went limp, she wasn’t able to stand and was breathing heavily. She stopped barking and was very listless. I did my MH self-treatment and held her hips and then her head for about 30 seconds each time. I then carried her downstairs and took her outside to use the restroom. She started to walk immediately and actually walked up 3 steps to go back in the house. I gave her another healing later that day, at a distance. And some friends sent her some Reiki distance healing too. That evening she appeared to be completely healed and was jumping around barking for a treat.”
“My father was admitted to hospital with severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with kidney stone in the ureter. He went home after 2 days hoping that the kidney stone will pass out naturally. My husband and I performed distant healing on him with a focus on removing the stone. When my father returned to see the doctor a few days later, to everyone’s surprise, the stone has vanished. The doctor was amazed because normally a patient would have intense pain when passing out the stone which my father did not feel at all.
This is just one of the many healing miracles that I have witnessed after Magnified Healing. I have seen cancer patients recovered from their plight and sometimes death beds, disappearance of illness without medical intervention, instant healing from cuts and burns, immediate physical pain relief and so on. Before that, I thought these only happen in movies or novels. Never in a million years would I imagine I will witness these miracles, let alone performed them. It is truly seeing is believing! With Blessings.”
“I am so grateful to you for the wonderful gift of MH. I did a complete session on a friend on Saturday night and Sunday morning, and had fascinating results. There was extensive crying (and screaming) at various points. (The Kundalini energy was awakened) The energy on the hip resulted in crying and the ability to walk upstairs properly for the first time in 30 years! I was amazed by this gift and will treat it with the greatest honor and respect.”
“I was asked to treat a child with MH when baby N was admitted to St. John’s Hospital for a lung operation. I started the MH treatment on Friday. On Sunday, during the MH Celebration Ceremony we treated her in the “serious” category. On Tuesday, when the scan was performed the doctor said that “No operation was needed”. Such is the grace of Kwan Yin, Tara, the Goddess of Compassion.”
“I want to share about a wonderous healing that took place. A very dear friend was going in the hospital for the removal of a cancerous lump in her breast. I used the 3rd Phase ‘Light’ Healing that I learned in September 1999. I gave the treatment before the surgery, and absent healing thereafter. The doctors were surprised to see a very unusual and rare cyst, and no cancer. I was not surprised, but very pleased and grateful to you, Kwan Yin and all the Masters who allowed the healing to take place. She has now become a MH Master Teacher herself. I am so very grateful that this healing energy is in my life today.”
“During Dec. 1998, I pulled a back muscle and was in pain, and unable to move for 4 weeks. The doctor recommended “Syneflex” but I had a reaction. B.H. was in town, I called him and asked for a MH healing treatment. He sent me a long absent healing and I immediately slept for 2 hours and woke up remembering a dream affirmation that he must have sent. That night he sent me a 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’, and the next day I was 100% ok. I have not had a problem since. I heard about MH before, but I was already a Reiki Master and Pranic Practitioner. I didn’t realize how important MH was. Your system really covers everything.”
“During our MH Practice, when we were in groups, I asked that the group work on straightening my spine (scoliosis), and adjust my hips while straightening the muscles to support the alignment. I noticed a tingling and lessening of the pain (we were sitting all day) right away. It wasn’t until recently that I realized that I have had NO pain or discomfort, and all adjustments are holding firm. Even with all the traveling and lack of exercise, I feel great.
“I have experienced the power of Magnified Healing energy. I feel calm and centered. A dear friend, near death with severe asthma, kidney failure and neural viral infection, recuperated to health. I used a kidney transplant. My sister’s chronic pre-menopausal bleeding and cramping was abated and stopped, without medical intervention. My other sister’s pain and swelling from broken bone injuries were relieved. Several friends who were having emotional problems remarked how Magnified Healing helped them.”
“MH 1st Phase has been very gratifying for me as there have been many changes in my life. I felt it strange having to say everything loudly when giving MH, because in Reiki everything is done in silence. This was the reason why I didn’t teach MH, it didn’t seem logical for me to teach something I hadn’t understood completely yet. Then in a meditation it was explained to me that when thought, word and action are used together, the vibratory energy becomes more powerful. And that confirmed to me that I was ready to teach my first MH workshop.”
“I feel MH is a way of life. If you can’t do your self healing every day, send healing to others. As you feel the energy changing in you, you start changing the energy around you. You want other people to feel it and know more about it. So being a Master Teacher gives me the possibility to explain this process to others, as a group moving more energy, and little by little putting our little seed in this universe.”
“I was very ill when I learned about the wonderful energy of MH. I had a serious problem with my thyroid (hyperthyroidism). I lost a lot of weight and was not able to do certain things. I learned about KY through Budhism, to which I dedicated myself for 8 years. I knew that she certainly would cure me with my practicing MH every day… searching, searching… I found her, and my dreams became reality. I only went to the Internal Medicine dept. in the hospital for the tests, and verified that my energy work was going well. Without taking medicine I was healed. Thanks to the healing energy, this energy that we all have got but we forget until the day when we want again to connect with our soul and with God, which is what is necessary to be able to continue. I give thanks for this gift that came to me. I am now sane and saved, and my daughters can see it.” (M.C.S.F., Spain)
“My changes after MH after the 1st phase workshop have been very significant. I’ve become a much calmer person. I have been able to really understand other people’s problems and feelings. My energy field is totally different now and people feel good when they are around me. I also feel very protected by KY, and every time I ask her for something, I receive her blessings. Not always the way I thought they would be, but always for the better. Something I often do is to send MH to a problem or situation that I am in, and the results are always amazing. Since I took the 3rd Phase ‘Light Healing’ workshop I don’t get sick anymore, and I always had colds and allergies.” (C.C.M., Brazil)
“Ho iniziato a praticare MH nel 2013. Mi ricordo che in quel periodo ero profondamente in contatto con la Dea Quan Yin. Ancora oggi credo che il Suo Cuore compassionevole abbia portato questa energia nella mia vita. In quel periodo il mio cuore era spezzato e poi più tardi nello stesso anno a mio padre fu diagnosticato con il cancro allo stadio 4. Era un periodo davvero difficile. La pratica quotidiana del MH mi ha aiutato a rimanere centrata nel mio cuore quando tutto intorno a me cadeve a pezzi. Mio padre è morto nel 2014. Gli mandavo MH tutti i giorni e ora posso dirvi che fino all’ultimo momento non ha provato dolore fisico.
Quando ho iniziato a lavorare con le tecniche MH con i miei clienti, ho iniziato a provare sensazioni bellissime. I miei clienti amano l’energia e durante la seduta entrambi sentivamo un profondo legame provenire dal cuore. Consiglio vivamente MH. È una profonda energia di guarigione che apre il tuo cuore e lo spirit.
In English: I started practicing MH in 2013. At the time, I was deeply connecting with Goddess Quan Yin and I believe that Her Compassionate Heart brought this energy in my life. I was heartbroken at the time and later on during the same year my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was a truly difficult time. The daily MH practice helped me stay cantered in my heart when everything around me was falling apart. My dad passed in 2014. I was sending him MH every day and I can tell you now that until the very last moment he didn’t experience physical pain.
When I started to work with the MH techniques with clients, it was a beautiful experience too. They loved the energy and both my client and I felt a deep heart connection to each-other. I would highly recommend MH. It is a profound healing energy that truly opens your heart.” (M.S.V., Italy)
“My life has benefited tremendously since I was initiated last year and I continue my daily practise with great results for my wellbeing and spiritual development.
“The Magnified Healing 3rd Phase workshop has changed my perception of the world and people. I now feel a lot of compassion and comprehension towards others, I understand better why things happen, the circumstances and situations of life, and what there is to learn from them regarding my own personal life and that of others. I feel that we really are beings of Light, divine spirits with a mission and a special purpose. I feel the support and love of our brothers and Masters. I feel the love of Kwan Yin and that it is really Kwan Yin who initiates us in the workshops. I feel a lot of emotion in the gratefulness for this gift I have received.
I had a case of a patient who was 22 years old. She had cysts in her ovaries, problems with her menstruation, and tendency to depression. We did the treatment with the broad beam in all her systems and organs, and the laser beam in her ovaries to remove the cysts and repairing the ovaries. I finished with the broad beam on all of her bodies: Astral, emotional, spiritual and physical. she received two treatments. She told me after one month that her sadness and loneliness had disappeared and that she didn’t have pain during her periods anymore. Two months later she had an echography and the cysts had disappeared. “
“I practice absent healing daily. My husband was given the diagnostic of glaucoma and was told he should have an operation. With my daily absent healing and with some special drops the problem is under control, the operation is not needed anymore. I have also healed some of my childhood and adolescence problems.”
“I always use MH in my healing therapies. An extraordinary example is when I was treating a person who had hyperhidrosis. After the treatment he was fully healed. Another example was a French lady who had anxiety attacks when she immersed herself in water. After 2 treatments her condition improved and after 4 treatments she was totally healed.”
“MH Third Phase – one case study is my mother‘s cousin. She had been operated on because of a melanoma on her arm. She has another one in her hand, so she should be operated on again. I gave her a 3rd Phase Healing with the laser beam. In one week the problem disappeared and the operation was no longer necessary.
“My experiences with the energy of MH are very personal, and I can’t describe it in any other way than an embrace of love. From 2003 until now my life has changed completely, physically, emotionally and regarding my family. Kwan Yin has been with me all the time, embracing me lovingly, and giving me support. Every day I can give thanks for life with a smile.”
The 3rd Phase workshop made me feel privileged as a human being and live in this very crucial time. Thanks to the meditation of the 3rd Phase I feel that we get a lot of help. Thank you, Melchizedek. It’s one more step towards awakening my consciousness. And it made me establish a routine for daily meditations with my guides and masters. Physically I feel much better because of the work on my organs and glands, especially the thyroids.